Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday Movie Picks #66: Halloween Edition - Asian Horror (Remakes)

This weeks topic over at Wandering Through the Shelves is about Asian Horror movies.  The only problem with that is I have never seen any Asian horror movies, but I have seen some of the remakes of Asian horror movies, so I am going to cheat and list 3 of the remakes I have seen and enjoyed.  Hopefully that is ok with everybody.

The Ring is pobably the best asian remake I have seen.  It is about a video tape that if you watch it, you will die in seven days. 

Next pick is The Grudge.  It has been awhile since I have seen this, but remember it stars Sarah Michelle Gellar as nurse and a creepy looking spirit of a kid.  Deifinately need to rewatch this one and then see sequels as I haven't seen those yet.

Final pick is One Missed Call, think it is the only other Asian Horror remake I have seen, so I am sure there are better ones I haven't seen.  But in this one, people get mysterious phone calls telling them the time and date of when they are going to die.

Not a really good list this week as haven't seen any of these in a long time and besides The Ring, didn't really stick out as excellent movies to remember a lot about.  Hopefully next week my list will be better and more in depth.


  1. Good way to work around the problem. I'm in the same boat but not being a horror fan in the slightest I haven't seen any of these either! I've considered watching The Ring several times but the horror aspect has always kept me at bay.

  2. The Ring freaked me out so much I still dislike seeing snow onscreen. I am a true wuss and I don't think I will see the other 2 or the original Asian films. I had a hard time this week so went very retro with monsters

  3. Actually, I don't really like the remake versions of any of this, but certainly, the original versions are very amazing! One missed calls and The Grudge are much better in its Japanese version---'cause there are cultural elements that become very daring.
